Remember the Poorest Community

OVCs Care & Support - RPC

OVCs Care & Support

Most of the orphan and vulnerable children are denied access to basic facilities including education. RPC in partnership with Children Aid Now, has been supporting 150 OVCs with full sponsorship for education and medical care.

The OVCs has been getting all scholastic materials including school uniform, educational materials, school tuitions/fees and sportswear that enabled them to retain in school and focus on their education for improved performance.

To ensure sustainability of the intervention and increase the reach out of many more OVCs; empowerment of OVCs guardians’/parents’ had been underway. The guardians/parents are organized under Self Help Group Approach where they get capacity building, technical and advisory supports that  enable them to ensure their economic, social and holistic empowerment. Once they get empowered, they will continue supporting their children once the program completes its support.


Since its establishment, RPC has been serving with key thematic areas of Community Empowerment, Education, Nutrition, Health, IGA/SHG and Rehabilitation programs.

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CMC Road, Next to Ethiopian Management Institute, Cheshire Services Building floor 3
+251 116 733 870
